Sunday School

On this page, Tammy shares ideas for crafts, prayers and Scriptures to make Sunday School a home experience for the whole family!  Our Sunday school is also meeting in person on Sunday mornings!  

God never takes a vacation from us.

It’s summer! We love summer, don’t we? Summer is a time for hot dogs and hamburgers cooked on the grill, baseball, and time to cool down in the pool or play on the beach. 

One of the things many people do during the summer is take a vacation. Yes, it’s a time when the grown-ups get to take a break from work and the family gets to take a trip together. It could be a long trip — to the beach or a national park or to Disney World — or it might be a short trip — to visit family.
The nice thing about a vacation is that it’s a break from the normal schedule. It’s a time to be together and do things as a family. Everybody needs a vacation, even if it’s just a day or two away making memories with your family.
Did you know that God never, ever takes a vacation? The Bible tells us He “never slumbers nor sleeps” (Psalm 121:4). Even while we are on vacation, God isn’t. He is there watching over us, blessing us and especially forgiving us. God never takes a vacation from loving you and me, He will always hear our prayers and give us the love and strength we need.

Let’s go God scouting!

Whether you visit a nature preserve, the beach, a zoo, an art gallery, or while you’re on a family vacation, take a pencil and notebook (or a camera). Record everywhere you see God–in a friend’s laugh, in a bird or butterfly, in a cool cloud formation, in an act of kindness… Consider keeping a God scouting journal or bulletin board for keeping all your summer God-sightings in one place. You could even create a collage!

God never takes a vacation from us.

It’s summer! We love summer, don’t we? Summer is a time for hot dogs and hamburgers cooked on the grill, baseball, and time to cool down in the pool or play on the beach. 

One of the things many people do during the summer is take a vacation. Yes, it’s a time when the grown-ups get to take a break from work and the family gets to take a trip together. It could be a long trip — to the beach or a national park or to Disney World — or it might be a short trip — to visit family.
The nice thing about a vacation is that it’s a break from the normal schedule. It’s a time to be together and do things as a family. Everybody needs a vacation, even if it’s just a day or two away making memories with your family.
Did you know that God never, ever takes a vacation? The Bible tells us He “never slumbers nor sleeps” (Psalm 121:4). Even while we are on vacation, God isn’t. He is there watching over us, blessing us and especially forgiving us. God never takes a vacation from loving you and me, He will always hear our prayers and give us the love and strength we need.

 Summer Scavenger Hunt

Find each item listed and mark off the items with a pencil. Afterward, take some time to praise God for making all the things you found.

Find God in the waves.

As the waves travel toward the shore, they get bigger and bigger. As we learn more about Jesus, our love for Him grows bigger and bigger! So, the next time you are at the beach watching the waves roll onto the shore, think about how much Jesus loves you . . . and remember to tell Him how much you love Him, too!

Waves in a Bottle Craft

wave bottle for kids!

Measure His love in the sand.

 Read Psalm 139:17-18, “How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.”

Fill a small container with sand.  How many granules would you estimate are in there? Wow! If God has that many thoughts, about you and I and the world, that is a lot. Like the verse says, we can’t even add them up. God is constantly thinking about us. Isn’t that amazing?”

Under the night sky

Go outside and look up at the sky and notice how humongous and immeasurable it is. Try to count all of the stars. It’s impossible for us to count all of the stars, but God knows exactly how many stars there are, and knows them each by name!

Read: Psalm 147:4 “He counts the stars and calls them all by name.”

That’s how grand God is! He knows all the stars by name. This verse just shows how much God cares about us, how much He knows us, how much He loves us. We matter to Him far beyond the stars. He knows our needs and He reads our hearts. He also knows our names! How incredible is that? 

Constellation Crafts for Kids:  click here!

On those clear beautiful summer sky nights it’s just wonderful to see the stars come out to play! 

God loves you S’more than you know!

One of my favorite activities is a backyard campfire with S’mores! Here is a prayer using each ingredient found in a S’more.

The S’more Prayer

First Graham Cracker: Start by greeting God. You might say “Dear God,”
“Lord” or “Heavenly Father.” Use the name for God that helps you to pray.

Chocolate:  God’s love is sweet! Thank God for all the ways you feel God’s love- the warmth of the campfire, delicious food to eat, the beauty of nature around you, and time with your family and friends. Have each person around the fire share what they are thankful for.

Marshmallow:  Life can get sticky, so we ask God for help. We make mistakes. Sad and scary things happen. Ask God to help you and other people. You might ask for healing for someone who is sick, forgiveness when you have made a mistake, peace for the world or anything you need! Share what you are praying for with those around the fire.

Final Graham Cracker: Print out a prayer card version for everyone around the campfire!

Click to access smore-prayer-card1.pdf

End your prayer with a group “Amen!”

Song: The Marshmallow Song by Veggie Tales

Aren’t you glad God doesn’t take a vacation from us?

Summer is a time to see and enjoy the beauty of God’s Creation.  It’s a time to be thankful for the warmth of the sun and the increased daylight.  It is a time to also be thankful for the time we have with our families and friends. Even as we get away from our regular activities, let’s not take a vacation from spending time with God.

Sunday school will be held throughout the summer during 9:30 service. We hope to see you there 🙂

Prayer:  Dear God, thank you for giving us Jesus who is always with us. Help us remember that you are always with us during our fun adventures, times of boredom, and relaxing chill time this summer.  In your name we pray.  Amen. 

Have A Happy Summer! 

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